
The osprey, a common bird in the Pacific Northwest, is a hawk with the scientific name of pandion haliaetus.

Osprey’s also have a very distinctive behavioral trait that stands them apart from other avian; they build large nests near on top of tree snags or structures similar to dead trees, such as utility or nesting poles.

Adult osprey attending the brood while it's mate is off hunting in the Yakima River Valley of south central Washington State.

 Looking at the field markings we note a distinctive head with white crest; the face is bisected by a dark-eye stripe that highlights sharp yellow eyes.

Osprey are highly territorial regarding their nests, especially during the brood period.

The Osprey sports a mostly white breast and belly with only a few dark streaks. And while viewing the underside of the bird in flight we see the white feathers extend out on the wings the primaries, secondary’s and tail feathers have a black & white mottled look.

Osprey nest in the San Poil River Valley of N.E. Washington State with three near fledged nestlings cooling off during a very hot early summer day. As with all nestlings the only moisture these birds get is from food the parents bring to the nest. Built high and in the open osprey nests can be very hot in the height of a warm afternoon.
A near fledged juvenile osprey testing it's wings and probably cooling at the same time.
As the nestlings grow and are no longer under immediate threat from crows, ravens and the like the mated pair of adults take time to fly about the nest area together, most certainly keeping a sharp eye peeled for nest predators.
Mated pair of adult osprey in flight.

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